В продолжении темы о разработке и внедрении автоматизированных систем различного назначения для государственных и муниципальных заказчиков в США нельзя обойти стороной проект по автоматизации делопроизводства судебных органов штата Калифорния.
Итак, масштабный проект под названием California Court Case Management System (CСMS) был изначально запланирован для внедрения в 58 окружных судах штата Калифорния для "облегчения доступа авторизованных лиц к информации по имеющейся информации на осужденных лиц и снижения общей стоимости владения существующих систем". В согласовании проекта участвовало достаточно весомых персон и
2000-2001 | 30 919 190,00 | negotiated salary increases |
Item 12A | 5 987 704,00 | pay equity adjustments |
5 200 000,00 | court interpreter associated | |
4 216 494,00 | court-appointed counsel | |
5 830 611,00 | standardized furniture and flooring replacements | |
27 259 419,00 | contractual costs | |
9 931 443,00 | variety of county-provided service areas | |
8 100 000,00 | legislative mandates family and juvenile law) | |
9 904 991,00 | variety of administrative activities in the courts | |
16 900 000,00 | various courtroom activities | |
5 466 943,00 | replace contract court reporters with permanent court reporters | |
5 043 880,00 | additional legal research | |
4 343 781,00 | additional resources | |
667 444,00 | strategic planning for six court systems | |
5 448 405,00 | implementation of one-day/one-trial in the trial courts | |
Sub-section total: | 145 220 305,00 | |
2000-2001 | 8 500 000,00 | one-time funding for local area networks |
Item 12B | 8 400 000,00 | an asset management and equipment replacement |
4 400 000,00 | general information technology staff and staff to support specific case management systems and technology initiatives | |
20 000 000,00 | procurement of a California-compliant case management system | |
20 000 000,00 | case-management system convergence in the Southern California | |
3 000 000,00 | implementing data integration standards | |
740 000,00 | strategic planning and budget development staff | |
500 000,00 | expand public access to court information through the innovative use of technology | |
Sub-section total: | 65 540 000,00 | |
2000-2001 | 1 034 000,00 | Budget Change Proposals for the Courts of Appeal |
Item 13A | 12 875 000,00 | Budget Change Proposal for Trial courts |
Sub-section total: | 13 909 000,00 | |
2000-2001 | 13 775 657,00 | Budget Change Proposals for the Judicial Council/Administrative Office of the Courts |
Item 13B | ||
Sub-section total: | 13 775 657,00 | |
Grand total: | 238 444 962,00 |
Дальше начались "непредвиденные затруднения", которые отразились на стоимости проекта:
На одиннадцатый год реализации проект имеет следущее состояние (стр. 97) (pdf, 3,1 Мб):
The Bureau of State Audits conducted a survey of the 51 superior courts that currently do not use the criminal or the civil system, which together constitute the interim systems of the statewide case management project. This survey appears below and includes questions that cover various topics. Chapter 3 of this report presents some of the survey’s results.
Вывод аудиторов штата, по итогам проверки проекта (стр. 23):
Despite the high cost and far-reaching impact of the statewide case management project, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), under the direction of the Judicial Council of California (Judicial Council), managed its development without sufficient planning and analysis. Since the Judicial Council directed the AOC in 2003 to continue to develop a statewide case management project, the AOC has failed to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to ensure that the estimated $1.9 billion its records show this project will cost is the most cost-effective technology solution for the case management needs of the superior courts. Furthermore, at key points during planning and development—the decisions to develop and deploy two interim systems and then to eventually discontinue deployment of one and first downsize and eventually discontinue deployment of the other in favor of a comprehensive system, referred to as the California Court Case Management System (CCMS)—the AOC could not provide contemporaneous documentation demonstrating what information it used to make these critical decisions.
За весь период выполнения стоимость проекта выросла с 240 млн. долларов до 2 млрд. долларов, а цели, поставленные при запуске - не достигнуты. При этом проект выполняется не в каком-нибудь захолустном штате, типа Северной Дакоты или Небраски, а в штате, где располагается "сердце американского хайтека" - Кремниевая Долина, что означает, как минимум, наличие большого числа профильных для проекта компаний и специалистов.