Швейцарский исследовательский институт Credit Suisse Research Institute при одноименном банке выпустил отчет под названием "Gender diversity and corporate performance" в котором исследовал вопрос - какое влияние оказывают женщины, включенные в совет директоров, на дела компании?
Предварительные выводы отчета такие:
Our key summary observations from this set of data are: 1. Sectors that are closer to final consumer demand have a higher proportion of women on the board. Sectors closer to the bottom of the supply chain tend to have a much lower proportion of women on the board. 2. Certain regions (e.g. Europe) and countries (e.g. Norway) tend to have relatively high ratios of women on the board, for others the numbers are extremely low (e.g. Korea). 3. Larger companies are much more likely to have women on the board than smaller companies. 4. Over the past six years, the fastest rates of change in female representation have come from European companies.
А специалисты дают пояснения почему так происходит
From a team perspective, what are the main positives and negatives of diversity? Katherine Phillips: The main benefit of diversity is often assumed to be the impact of the different perspectives brought to the table by the minority group. The work that we have done suggests this is far from the only benefit. We find that diversity really changes the experience of all the people in the group. We find that people who are in the social majority will actually think much more critically about the problems that they’re working on when they’re in a diverse group. In a diverse environment, individuals expect there to be differences in perspectives, they recognize that those perspectives should exist, and they work harder to assimilate different ideas. On average, our studies show that the results generated by the diverse teams are better than they are for the homogenous groups. The downside to diversity is the feeling of greater conflict and tension within the team. It’s not obvious at all to the diverse team that they might come out with a better result but they do know that they are working hard and that assimilating conflicting viewpoints can be an uncomfortable experience. This typically undermines the confidence that diverse teams have in the quality of their results.
Россия, правда, не вошла в обзор, но ознакомиться с агрегированными данными полученным от почти двух с половиной тысяч компаний по всему миру будет полезно.
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Отчет (на английском) - Gender diversity and corporate leadership (pdf)
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