Семимильными шагами идем к внедрению страховой медицины и это означает, что в самом скором будущем врачи будут чаще попадать под судебные разбирательства.
Даже сейчас уже такая практика имеет место быть ("В Нижнем Тагиле врача-анестезиолога ждет суд за гибель пациентки") и граждане уже вовсю обсуждают вопросы на тему "как наказать Эскулапа".
Вот к чему это все приведет (на примере американского опыта)
The study is consistent with previous studies on medical liability case resolution. Data from the Physician Insurers Assn. of America show that 70% of suits against doctors do not result in payments to patients. At trial, the defense prevails 80% of the time, according to the PIAA.
The Archives analysis showed that doctors spend significant time fighting lawsuits, no matter the cases’ outcomes. The average resolution time for a litigated claim was 25 months. For cases that ended in dismissals, doctors spent 20 months defending the case, while claims resolved at trial took 39 months. Doctors who won at trial spent an average of 44 months in litigation.
“Part of what is surprising is how long this whole process takes,” said Dr. Jena, an internist in the Dept. of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “When court cases last a long time, two groups of people are hurt. One is patients. It’s also very difficult for physicians who have this malpractice case looming over their heads.”
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