четверг, 5 апреля 2012 г.

Про общественное телевидение.

С недавних пор начала активно муссироваться тема создания "общественного телевидения", а так как у меня понимая того, что это такое нет и не было, специально даже задал вопрос в блоге одного из чиновников. Ответа правда не получил - либо не считают нужным отвечать, либо не знают, что ответить - как-нибудь уж обойдусь, а пока можно (нужно) посмотреть как обстоит дело с общественным телевидением в других странах.


И здесь как раз представился такой случай - пришли новости из Канады по поводу сокращения рабочих мест в государственном секторе и вооруженных силах - Department of National Defence, CBC hit with job cuts. Под программу сокращений попадет и "квази-государственный" холдинг Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, который частично содержится на деньги налогоплательщиков.


At the CBC, President Hubert Lacroix announced 650 layoffs and a halt of expansion plans in order to cut its budget by 10 per cent.

"Clearly, in light of this reduction, we won't be able to move as far or as fast on certain elements of our 2015 plan as we might have liked," Lacroix said in a statement. CBC watchers can expect fewer new shows on TV and listeners can expect to start hearing ads on CBC Radio 2.


В связи с этим интересно ознакомиться с комментариями канадских граждан на сей счет, в которых, на мой взгляд, нет ни капли сожаления о потере "общественного телевидения":


Ottawa Jack

Why don't we have a national plebiscite to determine if we need the CBC? My money says that .86.75% would say NO & " Good-bye CBC " Your taxes will still go up McBigtime. It merely shifts the burden to EI and since our government has been robbing the EI surplus for several years and diverting that money there is no surplus in EI anymore. Thousands of former government employees not paying taxes, not contributing to the economy and a big burden placed on EI = big tax increases.


Your taxes will still go up McBigtime. It merely shifts the burden to EI and since our government has been robbing the EI surplus for several years and diverting that money there is no surplus in EI anymore. Thousands of former government employees not paying taxes, not contributing to the economy and a big burden placed on EI = big tax increases.

Bubba in Redcliff

The CBC's entire "entitlement" should have been cut.Let the CBC "swim or sink" Canadians have been paying for this "money pit" for too long. Patric Payette Sell the CBC off completely to private interests!! IF it's just a great channel then it'll survive on it's own like all the other channels. There's enough Canadian content on tv through CTV's network of stations.

Breaking News T

he CBC is redundant, it should be just sold off in pieces, we don't need state run tv anymore. The only thing that is worthwatching on the CBC is hockey night in Canada. The Canadian Forces and all its military personal are the hardest working people who work 24hrs a day, seven days a week working in the worst conditions ever known to man and do not get paid anywhere near many civilian workers.


The military should not be cut in any way shape or form, we need them. The CBC, well thats another story that outfit should have been cut years ago. Nothing will be missed there.

Arby What the Tories should do is gut the CBC. The taxpayer funded and grossly bloated salaries of the CBC need to be gone and transfer the funding to the military.There's a future war looming between the USA and Iran and Canada will be drawn into it so keep the forces beefed up!Gut the useless long gun registry as well.Every day the Senators debate the issue it keeps costing taxpayers.End the CBC and end the long gun registry now!

Philip Mac Rae

I agree with these cuts at CBC only there should be alot more than they are actually doing they are over paid and most of them are not even canadian citizens Over 1.3 billion tax payers dollars are now spent on CBC FOR WHAT i would like to know certaintly not for there bias news coverage or programing which is only about enviorment protests do like CTV and other networks and pay yhere own way



Look, I’m not going to pretend that pornography does not exist, that people don’t watch movies with explicit sex, but I don’t think I should have to pay for it. CBC can’t even get away with claiming that this is somehow fulfilling their mandate to tell Canadians stories, to educate and enlighten. This is a program purchased from a private company in France and posted online for free. French people having sex is not a Canadian story.



Особенно, конечно, повеселил вот этот комментарий от 2009 (!) года:

Now is the time for the government to force the CBC into accountability – they could use a page from the Democrat’s bailout of the auto makers and banks.
1) No bonuses for executives – CBC execs are public servants. Kill the million dollar bonus.

2) Deal with the unions. CBC employs 10,200 people paying out $771,074,000 in salaries and benefits. This means that the average payout per employee at the CBC is $75,595. Cut the salaries by at least 10% and freeze hiring.

3) Show a plan of profitability (or a year-by-year reduction of government cash). If you’re selling ads against the other networks, you should at least level the playing field.

4) Provide programming that produces ratings in the top 30 Canadian shows – and the only show CBC has that anyone watches – HNC – doesn’t count. (Actually HNC could probably be sold for a small fortune)

Better yet, Harper should tell them to go to hell… wait until their party gets back in power.

Let’s have a referendum on the CBC – decide if they are even relevant anymore. CTV and Global seem to be getting all the viewers.

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Quebecor survey just another attempt to tear down CBC

Leaked CBC memo shows Mother Corp will ask for more cash

CBC shouldn't be using our money to fight openness

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