Газета Guardian в свой статье Berlusconi paid 'conspicious sums' of protection money to Sicilian mafia сообщает о решении итальянского суда, согласно которого Сильвио Берлускони стал жертвой вымогательства со стороны криминальных группировок
The former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi paid large sums of money to the Sicilian mafia to protect himself and his family from kidnapping in the mid-1970s, Italy's highest appeals court has said. Cosa Nostra's protection "was not free", the court said, adding that the media magnate had been a victim of extortion.
"Berlusconi handed over conspicuous sums of money to the mafia," the supreme court of cassation said in a 146-page document explaining its decision last month to quash a trial against Marcello Dell'Utri, a Sicilian who worked for Berlusconi during those years. In the 1970s, Italian criminal organisations frequently kidnapped wealthy people or their children, often in the richer northern regions of the country, and held them for ransom.
Борьбу против подполья в Италии возглавляет организация Direzione Investigativa Antimafia при тесном сотрудничестве с политической и судебной властью, а со списком граждан отдавших свою жизнь в борьбе можно ознакомится здесь - Nomi da non dimenticare (Имена для поминания).
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