Несомненная пользу от изучения иностранных языков для повседневного или делового общения на работе, например, мало кто ставит под сомнение, но некоторые ученые, как и полагается, идут дальше и изучают вопрос более пристально. Вот в этом документе от 2004 года Attention and inhibition in bilingual children: evidence from the dimensional change card sort task (pdf) приводятся результаты исследования детей, которые с раннего возраста владеют двумя языками с их сверстниками, которые владеют только одним языком.
There were three main goals for this series of studies.
The first was to replicate the finding that bilingual children solve the dimensional change card sort problem more easily than comparable monolinguals.
The second was to identify the component of the problem that was responsible for the bilingual advantage, considering the role of representation (both in terms of the task rules and the stimuli), response inhibition and conceptual inhibition.
The third was to use group differences in performance to understand the cognitive demands of the task and children’s development of those abilities.
Общий вывод в исследовании такой - дети разговаривающие более чем на одном языке не умнее своих сверстников говорящих на одном языке, но они иначе воспринимают окружающий мир.
Results from these studies converge on the conclusion that the crucial feature in solving the dimensional change card sort task is the demand for attention and inhibition, the function of control.
The results also contribute to previous evidence showing that early childhood bilingualism modifies children’s development of control of attention while having little impact on their development of analysis of representations. The bilingual advantage was clearly asserted when the misleading context presented perceptual information that conflicted with the construction of a perception-based representation.
This is an important result because of the pervasiveness of inhibition of attention for solving a wide variety of cognitive tasks.
This methodology, then, is a means for understanding the distinctiveness of two essential cognitive processes and the experiences that can affect their development individually.
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