Времени в выходные, как ни странно, хватило ни на один фильм, а на два. Вторым по счету отсмотрел фильм Алфреда Хичкока "Rear window" и, надо сказать, услышал там гениальный диалог по поводу "предсказаний".
- I got a nose for trouble. Can smell it ten miles away. You heard of that market crash in '29? I predicted that.
- Just how did you do that, Stella? -
- Oh, simple. I was nursing a director of General Motors. "Kidney ailment," they said. "Nerves," I said. Then I asked myself, "What's General Motors got to be nervous about? "Overproduction," I says. "Collapse." When General Motors has to go to the bathroom ten times a day, the whole country's ready to let go.
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