пятница, 13 января 2012 г.

Самоорганизующиеся системы.

По сообщениям английских источников правительство через специальный фонд поддержки бизнеса Technology Strategy Board поддержит разработки "самоорганизующихся систем".


This is the first investment in a government-backed initiative, managed by the Technology Strategy Board (www.innovateuk.org), aimed at encouraging and accelerating the formation of an Internet of Things ecosystem of applications and services. Following the completion of the preparatory studies, the Technology Strategy Board will invest up to £4 million later in 2012 in a funding competition that will lead to the development of a convergence demonstrator, which will show the benefits to be gained by merging applications and services together through an Internet of Things.

The Internet of Things describes the trend for environments, buildings, vehicles, clothing, portable devices and other objects to have more and more information associated with them and/or the ability to sense, communicate, network and produce new information. A widespread Internet of Things could transform how we live in our cities, how we travel, how we manage our lives sustainably, how we age and how services and entertainment accompany us and adapt as our surroundings change.


Полный пресс-релиз можно взять здесь, описание системы Internet of Things - здесь.


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