вторник, 24 января 2012 г.

Новая порцайка статистики.

Агенство Galloup подкинуло очередное исследование на предмет "занозы в одном месте"


PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans name jobs, the national debt, continuing economic decline, outsourcing, and politicians' bickering -- including President Obama and Congress -- when asked to say what worries them most about the national economy at this time.


С уверенным преимуществом побеждает тройка в составе "jobs/unemployment", "national debt" и "continuing economic decline/economic instability".

Неудивительно, что с такими настроеними американскому правительству  не удается "запустить мотор" при помощи Федрезерва и один из самых значимых экономических показателей (продажа новых домов) все уменьшается и уменьшается. Американцы ни за какие коврижки не хотят лезть в долги на фоне таких вот раскладов.

При такой ситуации уже не выглядит удивительным выход книги "The coming jobs war", написанную Председателем совета директоров и исполнительным директором компании Gallup Джимом Клиифтоном.



Let me be as specific as possible in describing this new war. As of 2010, the world has a total gross domestic product (GDP) -- or the sum of countries' total goods and services for one year -- of $60 trillion. Of this, the United States has nearly $15 trillion or about 25%, which is huge. Over the next 30 years, the global GDP will grow to an estimated $200 trillion. So a new $140 trillion of customers, employees, new businesses, and equity will come into the global mix. The global war for jobs will be an all-out battle for that $140 trillion because within that sum of money is the next evolution of the best jobs in the world.

Within that $140 trillion will rise the next economic empires, as well as the potential for societal hell. World War II was a stunning military success that saved the world. Losing World War II would have ended America as the world knew it, not to mention much of the democratic Western world. It was a war for America's very freedom, for the West's freedom, for leadership of the free world. It was a war for all the marbles.

Everything was on the line, and a loss would have changed everything. The war for global jobs is like World War II: a war for all the marbles. The global war for jobs determines the leader of the free world. If the United States allows China or any country or region to out-enterprise it, out-job-create it, out-grow its GDP, everything changes.

This is America's next war for everything.


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